
Estate Planning

A Last Will and Testament is a document you create to instruct how you want your property distributed upon your death. Who gets the house? Who gets which antiques? Who gets a bank account? Who takes care of the pets? These are just some of the questions upon which a will answers and instructs, and just some of the information we will obtain to draft a solid last will and testament that can stand up in probate and prevent challenges to its validity.

Making sure your goals for today and tomorrow are met is our personal goal at the Ronald J. Fichera Law Firm. We will review your assets and discuss with you what you want with regard to your estate. Contact us online to learn more about wills specifically and estate planning generally, so that you and your heirs do not get surprised in a way that is to your detriment.

Will Execution

To execute a will, you must follow the proper procedures as outlined by the laws of Pennsylvania. Mistakes can lead to invalid wills or will contestations. You do not want either of those outcomes because it means your wishes will not be fulfilled upon your death, your heirs may not receive what you intended them to receive, and your heirs may suffer a lot of headaches fighting for what is rightfully theirs.

At the Ronald J. Fichera Law Firm, we help our clients create strong, solid estate plans. Many of these estate plans include Wills. The execution of a Will is critical to its validity. To get started on creating or updating a Will, contact us by calling us or filling out our online contact form.

Changing a Will

A Last Will and Testament is a legal document instructing what should happen to your assets and property (known as your estate) at the time of your death. But it does not stop there. You can assign a guardian for children, appoint an executor for your estate, and much more. Over the course of a lifetime, however, many events create circumstances that require you to change your Will. You remarried. You had a fallout with a family member. You started a business. Your partner died. You got divorced. You had another child.

Whatever the event is, you should change your Will to reflect the new circumstances. At the Ronald J. Fichera Law Firm, we believe in updating Wills on a regular basis so that they reflect the current situation in your life. If you have a Will and need to make changes to it, contact us online to learn more. In the meantime, here's what you should generally know about changing wills:


In general, people establish trusts for their own financial purposes or to financially protect their family members. Many different types of trusts exist that can accommodate the different reasons people have. At Ronald J. Fichera Law Firm, we will help you decide which trust will work best for you and your needs and then guide you through the entire process, which, depending on the amount and extent of assets and the instructions accompanying them, can be either a relatively quick or enduring one.

To learn more about trusts and if you need an estate planning lawyer to help you with them, contact our office today either using the online form or by calling us to schedule a free consultation.

Special Needs Planning

It's a daunting task to put together an estate plan for yourself and maybe even a spouse. When you add children to it, it can become a little more complex. If one of those children has special needs, it's not only more complex but imperative—because you may be their only source of social, emotional, and financial support.

At the Ronald J. Fichera Law Firm, we understand how delicate special needs planning can be. Parents worry, and rightfully so. We have solutions, though. Below is an overview of special needs planning. Contact us online or at 610-768-9255 to learn more about it and how our legal services can help you and your special needs child.

Healthcare Directives

No one wants to think about their own death or dying, but it's a reality. An accident can happen any day. You could be diagnosed with a terminal illness. If you do not have a plan established for end-of-life care or medical treatment preferences for when you are incapacitated and cannot speak for yourself, decisions will have to be made by family members. That can be a source of infighting and guilt. You don't want that.

At the Ronald J. Fichera Law Firm, we can and will go over these sensitive matters with you and help you devise a healthcare directive that mirrors your values and beliefs. Contact us online to schedule a Free Consultation to learn more. In the meantime, below is a guide to healthcare directives that addresses common issues and questions that many of our clients have before coming to see us.

Healthcare Proxy

A healthcare proxy, also known as a health care proxy, is a means to ensure that, in the event that you become incapacitated, someone you trust carries out your wishes regarding medical treatment. This document is a great comforting tool that you can use, knowing someone you trust will make the right medical decisions on your behalf.

At the Ronald J. Fichera Law Firm, our estate planning attorney in Pennsylvania will help you draft a healthcare proxy document as part of your estate plan. We aim to create a healthcare proxy that reflects your beliefs regarding health, illness, and death and incorporates any pertinent religious practices or medical treatment preferences, especially those related to life-sustaining care or comfort care. Contact us today online to schedule a Free Consultation to learn more about the benefits this document can provide.


A DNR order, or do-not-resuscitate order, is a pre-written healthcare directive made by a patient concerning life-saving medical interventions. As the name implies, DNRs tell doctors not to resuscitate the patient in certain circumstances, usually if the heart stops.

Figuring out if you want a DNR order as part of your estate plan can be confusing. There are always the “what ifs” to contend with. At the Ronald J. Fichera Law Firm, we can walk you through all the scenarios and help you determine what is important to you. Contact us online to learn more about DNRs and other tools you can use in a smart, comprehensive estate plan.

Powers of Attorney

A Power of Attorney (POA) is an estate planning tool where you appoint a person, known as the agent, to manage your affairs. Typically, the POA is appointed to manage financial or medical matters when you cannot do so yourself because you are incapacitated by illness or injury.

People are often confused, however, as to when and which type of POA is needed. At the Ronald J. Fichera Law Firm, we will review your estate and specific concerns and advise you if and which POA is best for you, your unique situation, and your estate plan. Contact us online to schedule a Free Consultation to learn more about how and why a POA can complement your estate plan in Pennsylvania.


When the parents of a child are no longer able to care for the child, a Guardianship is needed. Unfortunately, so many people are unprepared and do not designate a guardian for their child, so the court must. At the Ronald J. Fichera Law Firm, we want you to understand how setting up a Guardianship as part of your Estate Plan is critical if you have minor children.

Contact us by filling out the online form to schedule a Free Consultation. We want what's best for you and your family, and preparing for the future through a Guardianship is critical to that end.


Estate Planning is much more than figuring out the distribution of assets to beneficiaries; it can also be a means to protect yourself and your children when you can no longer do so. One way you can protect yourself and any children is through the creation of a comprehensive Estate Plan that takes into consideration the role Conservatorships could play in your life and the lives of others if you do not plan appropriately. But Conservatorships are often misunderstood, and because of that, people tend to avoid them.

At the Ronald J. Fichera Law Firm, we will ask the right questions so that a comprehensive estate plan can be created. To do so, we help you understand what Conservatorships are, how they are used, and what their effects are, so that you can make informed decisions. Contact us online for a Free Consultation to learn more about estate planning generally and conservatorships specifically.

Medicaid Planning

Many senior citizens need long-term care at some point. Some senior citizens do not have family members who can give them the kind of care they need, and because of that as well as many other factors, they will need nursing home care.

However, nursing home care and other long-term care arrangements are expensive. Medicaid can help fund these things, but you must meet the financial qualifications. Estate planning is critical for many people to be able to qualify. At Ronald J. Fichera Law Firm, we will walk you through the estate planning process and help you begin planning for Medicaid early so that you and your spouse will qualify if or when the time comes and you need the help. Call us to schedule a Free Consultation today.


When a person passes away, their assets must be disbursed according to their estate plan and, when applicable, state laws and probate. At the Ronald J. Fichera Law Firm, we assist executors of Wills or beneficiaries of an estate through the probate process. Starting with identifying estate assets and ending with the distribution of assets and inheritances to the beneficiaries. Contact us by either using the online form or calling us to learn more.

Estate and Inheritance Taxes

There are ways to reduce or avoid estate and inheritance taxes, but they do not always apply. Speaking to an experienced estate planning attorney is the best way to create a plan that benefits you today and protects your loved ones tomorrow.

Estate law can get pretty complex and undergoes changes relatively often, making it hard for clients to stay current. At the Ronald J. Fichera Law Firm, we thoroughly review your estate and advise you accordingly. We know that informed clients make the best decisions about their finances. Contact us today to schedule a Free Consultation.

Bucket List

Have you planned for your future? Planning ahead to help ensure your assets will be distributed according to your wishes can mean the difference between peace of mind and untold stress for your family after you have passed on.

Estate Planning is a process. It involves your family, other individuals, and, in many cases, charitable organizations of your choice. It also involves your assets (your property) and the various forms of ownership and title that those assets may take. And it can help address the future needs of you and your family. Contact us today.

Management Services
Concierge Estate Plan

Our Concierge Estate Planning Service is a unique Planning Service with a personal, family-oriented touch that provides protection for you and your family throughout all of life's stages.

As we have stated, we do not take a "one-size-fits-all" approach with our Clients. We provide true Concierge Service for a select group of Clients. No one gets lost in the paper chase shuffle, and our Holistic Approach provides for long-term planning.

We are not providing a set of documents you can find online for a minimal price. The real benefits of Holistic Planning are almost too numerous to list, but the greatest benefit is peace of mind. Contact us today to learn more.

Executor Support

Even if you have the best intentions, being put in the position of Executor can be daunting and stressful. It can be challenging to navigate family dynamics, especially during a time of grieving. It can be time-consuming and overwhelming to comb through the records and paperwork and understand all that needs to be done. It can be complicated to ensure you are meeting your loved one's wishes and not taking on unnecessary expenses or making even more costly mistakes.

We can assist you with any and all the items, issues, and problems involved in Estate Administration, including the following:

  • Organize Estate Financial Records
  • Prepare Reports for the Court
  • Keep Track of Expenses and Receipts
  • Prepare and Send Out Correspondence
  • Aid in Estate Administration
  • Manage Assets and Prepare an Inventory
  • Communicate with Beneficiaries
  • Real Estate Management
  • Contact Vendors and Close Accounts
Project Management

Our experience has shown that we are able to handle the work needed as long as we can implement a Project Management System within the organization in cooperation with your staff so that we can work with you and the personnel at your facility in the most efficient manner.

A Project Management System will prioritize the issues confronting your business and provide the personnel who have to address and manage those issues with a system or method that is efficient, economical, and practical. Contact us today to learn more.

Corporate/Business Legal Plan
Business Formation

Have an idea for a business? Where do you start transforming that idea into a business? Determining business formation is one of the first and most important steps to starting a business in Pennsylvania. It can make a difference in terms of taxes, liability, profitability, growth, and more. Getting it right from the very beginning is critical.

At the Ronald J. Fichera Law Firm, we will review your business idea with you and advise you on all your best legal options. From that point on, we will guide you through the process, proactively making sure you have all the forms, documentation, and other necessary information and strategies in place for a successful venture. Contact us to schedule a Free Consultation.


A corporation is a legal entity considered to be a person under Pennsylvania law, meaning it can sue or be sued by another party. Corporations also have rights and obligations. Corporations are separate from their owners, or shareholders, and have many different advantages and disadvantages. A corporation is not the best business structure for all businesses, but for many businesses, this type of structure offers a balance that other types of business entities do not offer.

At the Ronald J. Fichera Law Firm, we will help you identify the best business structure for your company or help you transition from a sole proprietorship or another structure into a corporation. We will discuss all the factors that go into forming and operating a business. Contact us to schedule a Free Consultation and to learn more about corporations and your business idea.

Buying or Selling a Small Business

Many different situations can lead to a business sale or purchase. A company's owner or partner may want to transfer ownership through a business succession plan. An entrepreneur may want to purchase a business that is already in full operation rather than start their own business from the ground up. One business may merge with or acquire another business. For each situation, there are specific legal requirements that must be satisfied. Failure to adhere to the legal requirements and deadlines may result in frustrations that impede the sale or purchase of a business. Working with a business law attorney will ensure that your business sale or purchase in Pennsylvania is completed successfully.

At the Ronald J. Fichera Law Firm, with over 35 years of experience, we will provide legal assistance to startups, business owners, partners, and shareholders. Whether you want to purchase or sell a business, our team will guide you through all the steps and proactively address any legal or financial issues. Contact us to schedule a Free Consultation to make sure the right procedures are followed.

Business Disputes

Arbitration in Pennsylvania is an alternative to litigation, but it is still adversarial in nature. The end results of it, too, are often permanent without the right to appeal. Agreeing to arbitration, therefore, is not something to take lightly.

At RJ Fichera Law Firm, our attorney for arbitration in Pennsylvania represents, advises, and advocates for our clients when alternatives to litigation are required or sought. Contact us to schedule a Free Consultation and to learn more about our services.


Litigation is expensive. Litigation is time-consuming. Alternatives to litigation exist, and mediation is a popular alternative in Pennsylvania. It allows each party the opportunity to speak freely, openly, and honestly with the guidance of counsel. The goal of mediation is to come to an agreement and avoid further legal disputes, legal costs, and litigation.

At RJ Fichera Law Firm, we counsel clients who agree to try mediation as an option to address their legal dispute. We will provide strong, sound advice and guide you through the process. Contact us to schedule a Free Consultation and to learn whether mediation might be a viable option for you.

Virtual Estate Planning
Virtual Estate Plan System

RJ Fichera Law Firm provides you with the convenience and affordable fixed fee of an online estate planning service, along with professional legal advice, if desired, and individually drafted estate planning documents to meet your unique needs.

Every person and every family has unique personal, financial, and business situations. Choosing an Estate Planning Attorney and Advisor is a critical decision. That person should be an experienced attorney with knowledge of the law and business and financial matters. Just as importantly, he or she needs to be sympathetic and empathetic so that you may feel at ease and comfortable sharing your most personal details. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Document Creation

An Estate Plan begins with the creation of a set of Legal Documents designed to protect your assets and personal property (your “Estate”) and explains how you want to pass them down. While every person's situation is unique, there are certain documents that are important for everyone, regardless of their situation or life circumstances.

Setting up an Estate Plan in the event of your incapacity or passing can help make the process easier on your loved ones and clear up any confusion as to how to handle your assets. Remember, your Estate includes everything you own: cash, investments, pension plans, real estate, business interests, and any other personal property. If done properly, your Estate Plan will determine how those assets are treated upon your passing. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

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